
Banca del Ceresio SA is a Swiss bank established in 1958 founded and owned by the Foglia family active in the financial services sector since 1919.
Banca del Ceresio specializes in offering portfolio management services, investment advisory services, brokerage and custody services for private and institutional clients.

Wealth Management Services

Board of Directors

Born in 1963, a Swiss citizen, she has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2003, the Board’s Vice-Chair from 2014 to 2022 and Chair since 2022. A law graduate from Zurich University in 1988, she qualified as a lawyer in the canton of Ticino in 1991 and as a notary in 1993; since then she has worked continuously as a professional lawyer in the family law firm in Lugano. 

Born in 1960, a Swiss and Italian citizen, he has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2010 and Vice-Chair since 2022. An economics graduate from Bocconi University, he was a Managing Director and Chair of Banca del Ceresio’s Management Committee until 2010. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Belgrave Capital Management, Ceresio SIM and Global Selection SGR. He holds various other positions, including as a member of, Trustee or consultant to the boards of directors of some private companies, universities, funds and foundations. He occasionally writes on finance issues in leading newspapers.

Born in 1956, a Swiss citizen, he has been a member of the Board since 2022 and he was a member of the Executive Board until 2021. He graduated in economics from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, followed by a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. in economics from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. He joined Banca del Ceresio in 2005 after professional experiences in investment banking in New York, London and Zurich as well as in private banking.

Born in 1955, a Swiss and Australian citizen, he has been appointed member of the Board of Directors since January 2020. After his postdoctoral studies in Astrophysics at the University of Basel, he started working at Swiss Bank Corporation/Warburg Dillon Read, and in 1998 joined UBS Group AG. Since then he has worked continuously for UBS Group focusing on Wealth Management and Investment Banking, becoming a member of the Executive Board of Wealth Management USA and having a long term role as Group Company Secretary before subsequently becoming Divisional Vice Chairman of Global Wealth Management.

Born in 1963, a Swiss and Italian citizen, he has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2015. A law graduate from the University of Milan, he joined Banca del Ceresio in 1991 after a period of training in various banks in New York. He was a Managing Director of Banca del Ceresio until 2014. He sits on the boards of directors of some of the Group’s subsidiaries and of a large multi-manager fund.

Born in 1971, Italian citizen, he has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2023. Graduated in Economics and Business Law from the Catholic University of Milan, he holds further diplomas in Taxation, Financial Accounting (London school of Economics and Political Science) and Business Valuation (SDA Bocconi). In the course of his work as a chartered accountant and auditor, he has specialised in tax and civil law issues in relation to the taxation of family assets and generational transfers. He holds the position of Vice-chairman of the Carlo Gavazzi Holding AG.

Born in 1965, a Swiss citizen, he has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2017. He has a Ph.D. from Zurich University, an LL.M in European and International Law from the European University Institute (EUI), Fiesole, and has been listed in the Zurich register of lawyers since 1996. Since 2002, he has been a partner at law firm Niederer Kraft & Frey AG (NKF), Zurich, where he has held the role of Managing Partner since 2015. He specialises in banking law, capital markets and M&A, areas in which he regularly provides advice to Swiss and foreign financial institutions and investors.

senior management

Born in 1976, a Swiss citizen, he is a member of the Executive Board since 2018. He holds a master’s degree in economics from the London School of Economics and a Ph.D. from the University of St. Gallen. Before joining Banca del Ceresio he was the CEO of a private bank based in Lugano and Zurich and had experiences as CIO, head of asset management, as a fund manager for institutional clients and as an advisor for international private clients. He is currently an adjunct professor at Università della Svizzera Italiana, Franklin University Switzerland and has experience in academic research and teaching in Switzerland and abroad.

Born in 1970, a Swiss and Italian citizen, he is a member of the Executive Board since 2018. He holds a degree in finance from Bocconi University in Milan as well as specializations from the Swiss Training Centre for Investment Professionals and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Gabriele spent most of his career servicing international institutional clients out of Basel, Zurich and Geneva, where his last position was as European head for a Geneva private bank. Before joining Banca del Ceresio he served 4 years as executive vice-president of a Swiss banking institution responsible for private Italian clients.

Born in 1970, Swiss citizen, he is a member of the Executive Board since 2021. After some years’ experience in the fiduciary sector and bank auditing in Zurich, in 1996 he joined a well-known auditing firm where he qualified as a Swiss Certified Public Accountant in 1999. In 2001, he joined Banca del Ceresio as head of the Finance/Risk Control function before being appointed, in 2021, as Managing Director responsible for the Finance and Controls division.


Banca del Ceresio SA
Via della Posta 7
6901 Lugano, Svizzera

Tel.: +41 (0)91 923 84 22
Fax: +41 (0)91 923 55 08
Swift: BACE CH 22
[email protected]